Reviews of A Bible Book of Numbers

All reviews posted with permission.

This is special book of numbers that starts with the number zero and works its way up infinity. Just how this happens you will learn by reading this great book.

Starting with Zero our author reminds us before there was God there was nothing? Instead of her usual lesson learned created questions that children might want answered after reading the short explanation about the number or chapter heading and its meaning. The number one reminds us that there is one God and there will always be only one and that he is everywhere and in everything. Two people to look after his garden but since they broke it cannot live there anymore. Questions children might ask as to why this happened and more follow this. The explanation as to why and how God made the world in 6 days and rests of the seventh are followed by questions that remind us that even though he is resting on the seventh day the author lets us know he is always watching over us. Why ten is a good counting number and that God made the ten commandments for his people is a great way to help children learn more about God’s laws and the questions that follow support that and explain the meaning of the commandments in simple terms for children to understand.

But, my favorite two numbers were 11 and 12, which brings people together and explains the love God has for Jewish people and for those who believe in Jesus. I love the way the author describes why God had special people to help mend the world in one day and how it helped bring everyone together. But, the biggest number and the one that goes on and on forever is the last one Infinity, which tells how much God, loves us and he will forever. Thank you Sheila we all love this book and you for writing it.
Fran Lewis
author of the Bertha Series of books

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